KiTh aNd kIN
[kith and kin] – phrase/idioms. - one's relations. The word kith is Old English, and the original senses were ‘knowledge’, ‘one's native land’, and ‘friends and neighbours’. oRiGIn: The phrase kith and kin originally denoted one's country and relatives; later one's friends and relatives. -KinS [-k-nn-s]- a diminutive suffix of nouns: indicates smallness or, by semantic extension qualities such as familiarity and affection as in daddykins - a name a child calls their father when they want something.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

no day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap ~Carrie Snow.

You slept well last night time for the first time in a long time Mr HK - and next time you decide not to sleep for a while and turn into cranky baby - MK and DK need to try and remember that our smily little guy is just one good sleep away.  I'm glad you're back.

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