KiTh aNd kIN
[kith and kin] – phrase/idioms. - one's relations. The word kith is Old English, and the original senses were ‘knowledge’, ‘one's native land’, and ‘friends and neighbours’. oRiGIn: The phrase kith and kin originally denoted one's country and relatives; later one's friends and relatives. -KinS [-k-nn-s]- a diminutive suffix of nouns: indicates smallness or, by semantic extension qualities such as familiarity and affection as in daddykins - a name a child calls their father when they want something.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Its asked so many times - why blog... I was thinking about it today.  Mine is just a scrap book really and to me that's ok.  I don't know why its here really except it as a nod to the like minded out there.  Nerdy yes - but reading blogs has / is changing me.  But is blogging good or is it bad?  I feel motivated to do things from posts I read.  On the side of blogs = good says that's inspiration.  On the side of blogs = bad its 'keeping up with cyber jones".  For me so far the scores balances on the side of good.  So thanks for the efforts invested bloggers out there.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

bali baby

 You were a great little traveller, you loved to explore, met some monkeys, entertained your fans, ate .... but mostly just spent hour after hour playing cups in the pool with Dad.  What a lucky baby you are!